Hormonal Fingerprints: A Potential Biomarker for Periodontal Disease
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Background: Hormonal fingerprints/ 2D:4D ratio of an induvidual was offlate considered as a potential biomarker in many medical diseases and conditions. However in dentistry, this 2D:4D ratio has not been substantiated for its role of dental conditions yet. As the role of steroid hormones in periodontal health has well been documented in the literature and 2D:4D ratio is a result of prenatal androgen exposure. Our aim is to evaluate its role in the periodontal status of the individuals.
Materials and Methods: A study proves 150 were evaluated for periodontal status using Russell’s Periodontal index and 2D:4D ratio was measured using digital vernier callipers. ‘t’ test, chi square test and binary regression analysis were the statistical tests implied in the results.
Results: A higher prevalence of low 2D:4D ratio was evidenced in males compared to females. However females evidenced good periodontal health than males. This increased incidence of periodontitis in males can be attributed to the environmental and psychosocial factors.
Conclusion: The role of 2D:4D ration in periodontitis appears obscure as although the prenatal androgen exposure seems to be higher in males which in turn exhibits beneficial effect on periodontal tissues. Our study demonstrated poor periodontal health compared to females.
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