Video–Based Teaching as a Reinforcing Tool for the Potential Learners
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Video is considered as a successful medium of learning because it can expose learners to events that cannot be easily demonstrated. More recent study proved that video-based learning permits students to view actual process and genuine acts, to see steps in proper sequence, and to listen to description. From the students’ perspective, video-based learning can be a more efficient medium than transcript because it improves their learning, gratification and drive during the learning process.
The study aimed to assess the outcomes of learning and perception of potential learners about video-based learning in practical Biochemistry so that it can be used as a reinforcing tool for them. Data were collected from 30 potential learners who have scored < 40% marks in I part completion Test in I MBBS. OSPE was conducted for the qualitative tests in Biochemistry and all the errors made by the students were noted. After the discussion with the faculty members and with correction of errors customized videos has been made and validated by subject experts. These videos then circulated to all subjects in the study group .After this intervention II PCT and OSPE were conducted and score were compared by doing statistical analysis.
Results of the study revealed that learning through video offer more successes in practical Biochemistry as they rated highly for the reception and satisfaction with the video-based learning.
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