Determination of Total Alkaloids and Tannins Contents in Leaves of Buchanania lanzan

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Prabhat Jatav
Rajesh Kumar Tenguria


Qualitative analysis is very essential to identify the phyto constituents present in medicinal plants.  The objective of this research was to investigate the phyto-constituents present in 5 diverse extracts of Buchanania lanzan leaves. Quantitative assessment was performed to quantify components such as alkaloids and tannins by the standard method. The present study suggested that the methanol and aqueous extracts included alkaloids, steroids, saponins, phenols and terpenoids. In addition, coumarin was also present in dichloromethane and aqueous extracts. High alkaloids and tannin contents were recorded in methanolic extract of the leaves. Colchicine was used as a standard for alkaloids and tannic acid for tannins. This study provides evidence that the leaves of Buchanania lanzan are of maximum therapeutic efficacy with the mainstream phytochemical classes of compounds. Whereas methanol is good solvents for the extraction of these type of phytochemicals. The results this confirm its therapeutic application in traditional medicine.

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How to Cite
Prabhat Jatav, & Rajesh Kumar Tenguria. (2022). Determination of Total Alkaloids and Tannins Contents in Leaves of Buchanania lanzan. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 10(3), 693–700. Retrieved from


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