Critically Ill Patients Experiencing Anxiety

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Prabhuswami Hiremath
Mahadeo Shinde
Sangita Patil
Dhananjay Kamble


Background: Patients hospitalised to the intensive care unit (ICU) are in a life-threatening state and may experience psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, as a result of their illness.

The purpose of this investigation is to gauge the degree of fear felt by critically ill patients.

Methods The Hamilton anxiety scale was used to identify anxious K.H. & M.R.C. patients through a cross-sectional study of fifty patients in the intensive care unit. The research utilised both descriptive and inferential statistics.

This study found that among 50 critically sick patients, 82% were suffering from severe anxiety, 14% from moderate anxiety, and 4% from mild anxiety.

Patients in the intensive care unit who were already critically sick often have additional mental health problems, such as anxiety.

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How to Cite
Hiremath, P. ., Shinde, M. ., Sangita Patil, & Kamble, D. . (2022). Critically Ill Patients Experiencing Anxiety. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 10(3), 610–616. Retrieved from


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