Marginal Accuracy of Cast Crowns Fabricated Using Different Investment Systems (An In -Vitro Study)
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Context: Any dental restoration's marginal fit is very important for its success. The teeth and the adjacent periodontal tissues- both may suffer from an inadequate fit. Aims: to assess how various investment systems affect the marginal accuracy of cast crowns. Method: A total of 60 complete coverage crowns made entirely using metal on metal dies. The crowns were separated into 4 groups each with 15 patterns. For investing and casting a ringless system and a ring system (split) were used in group B and group A respectively. In Group C metal rings with single layer cellulose acetate liners devoid of asbestos is used and Group D metal rings with double-layer cellulose acetate liners devoid of asbestosis used. By measuring the distance with a microscope between the die's finish line and the edges of the crown, marginal discrepancy was determined. Results Groups -A, B, C, D -each had a mean marginal disparity of 113µm, 210µm, 206µm, and 161µm, respectively. The 4 groups' marginal discrepancies on each surface were compared. Of the four groups, Group A was the most accurate, while Group B was the least accurate. Conclusion: The ringless casting process can result in with better marginal fit due to accurate casting.
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