Assessment of Salivary Micronutrient Levels in Healthy and Chronic Periodontitis

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N. Naveenaa, Dr. Sankari Malaiappan


 Introduction: Periodontal disease is an immune inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissue which is characterised by the destruction of bone and connective tissue attachment loss. The risk factors include diabetes, smoking, diet and host response. Adequate nutrition is required for maintaining periodontal health as well as for various biochemical activities. Deficiency of these micronutrients like iron, copper, zinc etc, could severely affect the periodontal health. Saliva on the other hand can be used as a resourceful material in obtaining clinical information related to oral and systemic health as it contains various biomarkers of inflammation and bone loss in periodontitis.

Aim: To assess the salivary micronutrient levels in healthy and chronic periodontitis

Materials and methods: The study was a case control study comprising 20 subjects, 10 in each group. Group 1 comprises 10  systemically healthy and without chronic periodontitis and group 2 comprises 10 systemically healthy and with chronic periodontitis and the salivary micronutrient zinc, copper, iron levels were evaluated by standard methods as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Results: The salivary micronutrient zinc, copper, iron levels are significantly reduced in chronic periodontitis than in healthy individuals.

Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that there is a significant reduction in salivary micronutrient levels of iron, copper and zinc in chronic periodontitis when compared to healthy individuals

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How to Cite
N. Naveenaa, Dr. Sankari Malaiappan. (2022). Assessment of Salivary Micronutrient Levels in Healthy and Chronic Periodontitis. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 10, 572–579. Retrieved from